
How to support all plugin managers

Update 2015-03-25: I no longer think it is wise to try to ‘support all plugin managers’. Fragmentation of the Vim plugin ecosystem continues unabatedly. Adding an addon-info.json seems sensible, supporting the thing that is GetLatestVimScripts doesn’t.

One of our interests as responsible Vim plugin authors is to let our users have the freedom to choose, where it makes sense to do so. We might design our plugin so that it is platform-independent, or we might provide a configuration option for one of the more contentious defaults.

One choice that should lie firmly with the user is the choice of plugin manager. Our plugin should have no say in this matter – instead it should support them all.

In this article, I’ll show how to support all plugin managers.

Or rather less catchily, how to support seven popular plugin managers, namely pathogen.vim, Vundle, neobundle.vim, vim-addon-manager, GetLatestVimScripts, Vimana, and vim-flavor.

Two checklists

This article isn’t about what these plugin managers can do. Some of them are simple, some very capable. Here we are interested in what the minimal requirements are for a plugin that aims to support easy installation with all of them.

What needs to be done depends primarily on whether the plugin is a stand-alone plugin (the normal case), or whether it is a plugin that has dependencies.

Stand-alone plugins

This is the shopping list needed for a simple stand-alone plugin.

If you follow these guidelines then you will be able to sleep soundly in the knowledge that your plugin will be installable without fuss on all plugin managers in popular use.

Plugins with dependencies

A plugin might depend on another plugin to function properly. In that situation, the obvious minimum is to declare any dependencies in the Readme file or the docs. Some plugin managers can automate dependency installs, and to support this, four additional steps are necessary.

That is all. Now that we have these checklists ready, let’s go over them in detail.

Stand-alone plugins

We will go over each step, explaining why it is necessary and which plugin managers require it.

Follow canonical runtime directory structure

Required by more or less all plugin managers

This should be a given. Vim runtime files are organized in a number of directories like plugin, indent, autoload, doc, etc. Make sure to place all script files in appropriate runtime directories, and nowhere else.

Don’t have script files lying around homeless.

Don’t have directories hanging around that are unknown or inaccessible to Vim’s runtime system.

The relevant documentation is at :h 'rtp' and :h usr_41.

Host the plugin in a repository

Required by vim-flavor
Recommended for pathogen.vim, Vundle, neobundle.vim, vim-addon-manager

Hosting a plugin in a Git repo on GitHub is widespread practice nowadays. Pathogen.vim advertises the git clone git:// installation procedure in its Readme file, and many modern plugin managers such as Vundle, neobundle.vim, and VAM seem to regard a GitHub repo as the principal source for a Vim plugin.

Vim-flavor goes one step further: A public repo on GitHub is required for a plugin to be installable with vim-flavor. While there may be good reason to avoid GitHub, in order to support vim-flavor such a repo is (currently) strictly required.

Add a “GetLatestVimScripts” line in the plugin script

Recommended for GetLatestVimScripts

This step isn’t strictly required for a stand-alone plugin. It is a fair thing to do though, as it enables GetLatestVimScripts to recognize an installed plugin after the fact, for example if it has been installed without going through the normal installation procedure of adding an entry to GetLatestVimScripts.dat.

Add a line like

" GetLatestVimScripts: 6789 1 :AutoInstall: shebang.vim

to your plugin/shebang.vim script, where “6789” is the script ID on (the one in the plugin URL), and “shebang.vim” is the name of your plugin (as it appears in the title of the plugin page).

GetLatestVimScripts will see the line and register the plugin for automatic updating.

But note: GetLatestVimScripts looks for such lines only inside plugin/**/*.vim files. It is not a clever plugin. If your plugin consists of autoload scripts only, then your best bet is to create a plugin/shebang.vim file containing only the “GetLatestVimScripts” line. If this is your situation and you decide not to support GetLatestVimScripts you have my sympathy. (Alternatively, file a bug with the GetLatestVimScripts author.)

Tag a release with version number tags

Required by vim-flavor

Using Git tags to properly version a release is good practice in any serious development effort.

Vim-flavor has a rigid versioning and dependency policy which it enforces using Git tags. Not any old Git tags, mind you: The tags must be in a parsable version number format, for instance, 0.3.0, v2.45, or 7.2. Use annotated tags with git tag:

git tag -a v1.0.0

Plugins not conforming to this requirement will be refused installation by vim-flavor.

Upload an archive of the release to

Required by GetLatestVimScripts
Recommended for Vimana, also recommended by :h distribute-script

Unbeknownst to many a GitHub hipster, the “scripts” section on remains the official distribution channel and is in active use.

The GetLatestVimScripts plugin, which is included in the runtime files distributed with Vim, downloads plugins from, as does Vimana (though it handles other sources as well). In order to support GetLatestVimScripts uploading an archive of the plugin to is required.

I recommend packaging the plugin as a zip archive for best compatibility. The official recommendation is to make a Vimball, but this format has never been widely accepted, and personally I try to avoid them as best I can.

Very important: the archive must be flat. All runtime directories must be contained directly (at the top level) inside the zip. There must not be any additional files lying around like a Readme file or VCS files. For example, this would be a good upload for the fictional shebang.vim plugin, uploaded to as


As a bonus, this style also makes it possible to install without any plugin manager by simply honouring the ancient installation tradition that goes: “Unzip in ~/.vim”.

Plugins with dependencies

A few plugin managers have the ability to retrieve and install dependencies automatically: VAM, neobundle.vim, GetLatestVimScripts, and vim-flavor can do this given proper support by the plugin.

Unfortunately, every plugin manager has its own way of doing it so we must support them all separately. It isn’t hard to do though.

Add additional “GetLatestVimScripts” lines for the dependencies

Required by GetLatestVimScripts

This is straightforward. Adding additional “GetLatestVimScripts” lines of the same format makes GetLatestVimScripts retrieve the dependencies, too. My experience has been better when I placed the dependency lines above the line for the plugin itself.

Assuming the shebang.vim plugin depends on the basebang.vim plugin (which also Supports All Plugin Managers), the following declaration inside plugin/shebang.vim would enable automatic installation with GetLatestVimScripts:

" GetLatestVimScripts: 3456 1 :AutoInstall: basebang.vim
" GetLatestVimScripts: 6789 1 :AutoInstall: shebang.vim

Add an addon-info.json file to the repository

Required by vim-addon-manager

VAM takes a different approach. An addon-info.json file at the root of the repository contains meta information. Here is a simple example of such a file:

    "name": "shebang.vim",
    "author": "glts <>",
    "dependencies": {
        "basebang.vim": {}

The crucial bit here is the "dependencies" entry. Take special care to use the right names, both for the plugin name as well as for the dependencies. The correct names are as they were registered on and as they appear on the plugin’s page.

Add :NeoBundleDepends statements in your plugin script

Required by neobundle.vim

Neobundle.vim is pretty feature-rich, and as such it has not one but two different ways of declaring plugin dependencies. The simpler one uses :NeoBundleDepends. This is a command that you can put in your plugin script. Surrounded with a little boilerplate it looks like this:

if exists(':NeoBundleDepends') == 2
  NeoBundleDepends 'glts/vim-basebang'

Put this anywhere in plugin/shebang.vim and neobundle will automatically pull in the basebang.vim dependency from its GitHub repository.

(For the second way look up :h neobundle-recipe.)

Add a Flavorfile to the repository

Required by vim-flavor

Like VAM, vim-flavor uses a special file with dependency information at the root of the repository. This is called a “Flavorfile”; the file name must be VimFlavor. The format is more Ruby-like and rather simple. Here is the complete Flavorfile for shebang.vim:

flavor 'glts/vim-basebang', '~> 1.6'

This declares a dependency on the 1.6 version tag of the glts/vim-basebang repository.

This also clears up why vim-flavor is so strict in its requirements for a GitHub repo and version tags: It’s so that any plugin can be declared a dependency in Flavorfiles.


This checklist has grown rather long. But this shouldn’t mislead anyone into thinking it’s much work. Supporting All Plugin Managers is actually quite easy. For very little effort you can give the power to choose a plugin manager back to your users.

Another point to keep in mind is that plugin managers for Vim are still a very busy area. Until there is a “winner”, if there should ever be one, I recommend to support them all.

For an example of a stand-alone plugin that heeds the advice in this article, take a look at my cottidie.vim plugin.

For an example of a plugin with dependencies, check out textobj-comment. It relies on textobj-user to do its job. (Unfortunately, textobj-user does not support GetLatestVimScripts itself, so that auto-installation isn’t possible in this case.)

First published by glts on July 13, 2013, updated on November 15, 2013. Your feedback is welcome.